Poems About Tow Truck Drivers

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(16) 'Tow truck operator' means an individual that performs operations related to a tow truck service as an employee or as an independent contractor on behalf of a tow truck motor carrier. (17) 'Tow truck service' means the functions and any ancillary operations associated with recovering, removing, and towing a vehicle and its load from a. Police arrested a 37-year-old Lincoln man early Thursday after he allegedly threatened a man with a kitchen knife. Officer Luke Bonkiewicz said shortly before 1 a.m., a tow truck driver called 911. A woman who was being assisted by a tow truck driver when he was struck and killed in hit-and-run crash on Pacific Coast Highway posted a poem Tuesday honoring the man. Katherine Cimorelli wrote that she was on the side of Pacific Coast Highway when the tow truck driver, Ronald Carver, 45, of Newbury Park, was struck and killed by a silver Audi. The tow operator stood and faced his Maker, which must always come to air. He hoped his chains were left behind and he hadn’t brought them on to bare. “Step forward now, wrecker driver how shall I deal with you?” Have you always rendered aid? —A driver of a tow truck or towing configuration that does not fit either configuration description above, requires a Group C CDL only if he or she tows a vehicle required to be placarded for hazardous materials on a 'subsequent move,' i.e. After the initial movement of the disabled vehicle to the nearest storage or repair facility.

Poem: 'The Tow Truck Driver's Story' by Elizabeth W. Garber, from The Mayor and Other Stories of Small Town Life © The Illuminated Sea Press, 2007. Reprinted with permission.
The Tow Truck Driver's Story
You meet all kinds of people in this work.
You have to be polite, twenty-four hours
a day. It was a brutal winter night,
I'd worked since four a.m., finally coming in
to sleep when the phone rang, a guy calling
from up on Appleton ridge, saying
he needs a jump. I asked, 'Can't it wait?
There's still snow on the roads, the plows aren't
All through. It'll take me three hours at least
to get there with the roads like this.' 'Ok,'
he said, 'I'll wait.' I went to bed an hour,
before he called, 'It's an emergency.'
The storm had eased as I headed out,
But the wind had been so bad, I had
To stop and climb over the drifts to knock
the snow off signs to see where to go,
a hard dark climb up to Appleton Ridge.
Over three hours to get to a lonely
country farmhouse, light glowing brightly.
Then a man in, I kid you not, a red
Satin smoking jacket comes out and waves.
I think he's waving to me, and wave back,
But it's a garage opener and out of the dark
A door rises, lit like a museum,
A car, glittering white and chrome beauty,
It was a 1954 Mercedes.
A Gull-Wing. You ever heard of them?
I think they only made ten of them.
Its doors lift up like a gull in flight.
I bet it was worth a million dollars.
I ask, 'Are you going to take that out?'
'Oh, no, we just got back from Jamaica
I want a jump to make sure it's ok.'
It starts like a dream, purrs dangerously.
'Oh good,' he says and walks away, waving
his arm to close the door, never saying
a word, left me standing there in the snow.

Literary and Historical Notes:

It's the birthday of American poet James Wright, (books by this author) born in Martins Ferry, Ohio (1927). Wright's hometown was located in a heavily industrialized area of the state that Wright called 'my back-broken beloved Ohio.' There was a coal mine and a steel mill near his house, and he grew up surrounded by blast furnaces and smoke stacks. During the winter, all the snowdrifts in his town turned black from soot. In the summer, he swam with other boys in the Ohio River, which was full of runoff from the factories that lined the banks. He called the Ohio, '[that] beautiful river, that black ditch of horror.'

His father worked at the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company, and Wright took a job at the same factory when he got out of high school. After working there for a few months, he decided that he had to get out of his hometown or it would kill him. So he joined the military, used the GI Bill to study at Kenyon College, and began publishing poetry. It was the poet Robert Bly who encouraged Wright to start writing more personal poetry in free verse. The result was his first great collection, The Branch Will Not Break (1962), which contained many of his most famous poems, including 'Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio,' 'A Blessing,' and 'Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy's Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota,' which ends with the lines, 'I lean back, as the evening darkens and comes on. / A chicken hawk floats over, looking for home. / I have wasted my life.'

It's the birthday of the mystery novelist who wrote under the name Ross Macdonald, born Kenneth Millar in Los Gatos, California (1915) (books by this author) . He was abandoned by his father and his mother gave him up to be raised by a series of relatives. He later said, 'I counted the number of rooms I had lived in during my first sixteen years, and got a total of fifty... It was a good background for a novelist, but not for anything else I can think of.'

Millar didn't consider going to college until he learned that his father died and left him some money in an insurance policy. And he didn't consider writing as a career until the summer he won a typewriter in a radio quiz show. He wrote a few spy novels that were published, but he wanted to write something serious, drawing on his own background, but whenever he tried to write about his childhood directly, he was embarrassed by the quality of the result.


And then, one day, Millar invented a private investigator named Lew Archer. Millar later said, 'I was in trouble, and Lew Archer got me out of it... I couldn't work directly with my own experiences and feelings. A narrator had to be interposed, like protective lead, between me and the radioactive material.'

His first Lew Archer novel was The Moving Target (1949), and he went on to write 18 novels featuring Lew Archer, most of them about characters trying to uncover some mystery at the heart of their families, often having to do with lost fathers. His were among the first detective novels to be taken seriously as literature.

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What are truck driver prayers? Further, how are truck driver prayers helping truckers? Their occupation love and presumably, the second force is prayers.

It may sound strange and unfamiliar but there are millions of truckers around the world and there are things that motivate them. They are the heroes of our today and tomorrows but they also have fears.

Having said this, I could not stop but wonder: Why do we all pray?

Well, we pray for everything in life, we pray for luck, we pray for health and we pray for safety. All of these three wishes are wishes of truckers as well. In fact, all of these previously mentioned wishes describe theirs, the best.

With this in mind, they love what they do, they love to keep America moving and they are strong. On the other hand, besides their fierceness, they are not always certain what will expect them once they turn the wheel.

Besides being one of the highest paying truck driving jobs it is also one of the most hazardous occupations. Knowing this, truckers still choose it as a profession, further they choose to contribute to America and the economy.

What really make trucking unsafe are the long routes, kinds of freight and dangerous roads, praying is a must. Not only the families of the trucker but the truckers and we all need to pray for the safety of the truck drivers.

With this in mind, it made me think, they are honestly risking their lives in order to make us happy. Generally speaking, it is the least a person can do in order to show them gratitude and respect for what they do.

Why Truckers Need Truck Driver Prayers?

To begin with, those solemn expressions in prayers are needed in order to calm truck drivers. In addition, the prayers are meant to give strength to truckers while they are on the road. Similarly, prayers give them faith in order to believe in good things and keep the bad thoughts away.

While there are those who pray for a new mobile phone, or a new dress this year, truck drivers are praying to make it safely. According to FMCSA, safety should be every trucker’s must.

Additionally, the prayers are giving the truckers a kind of spiritual calmness for the unexpected, the unpredictable and inexperienced road expectations. It pushes them forward, and it gives them motivation in order to be able to manage things behind the wheel.

With the prayers, they are connected with their God. Saying the prayers to give him vigilance and make it safely on the open road from the starting point to the very end.

Moreover, together with the prayers, their faith in the good while excluding the bad makes their subconscious work. Thus and consequently, their mind is made to feel optimism as well.

Poems About Tow Truck Drivers

Further, if one is optimistic it will keep things that way and will find every possible solution in order to make it right. Correspondingly the truck driver prayers are an additional help in order to stay focused on the road.

Poems About Tow Truck Drivers

Furthermore, it gives them an incentive to be able to manage multiple things while driving and other truck driver responsibilities. Thereupon, truck drivers not only need their physical strength but they also need the spiritual one.

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Poems About Tow Truck Drivers Going

Speaking about this, they are facing with over the road challenges each day. Even though there are truckers who after a while are starting to love their job, sometimes they meet certain difficulties.

The Curious Lifestyle of a Truck Driver

Granted that the life is hard enough as it is, not to mention how hard it is for a truck driver. Every family who has a truck driver in their circle knows what a trucker faces on a daily basis. However, they cannot know what is like to be on the road unless they experience it.

Truck drivers need truck driver prayers in order to get through the situations awaiting them on the road. Sometimes there are uncertainties like the stress and the working hours, as well as the days spent alone are making it hard for a trucker.

Thus, the prayers are spiritual motivation for him to keep moving forward. Alternatively, it stimulates a trucker to get through the whole day in particular.

A day in a trucker’s life includes many things such as safety, finding truck stop amenities etc. Even though the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), includes advanced technologies in order to improve the engine efficiency truckers need to be aware on the road.

To say it specifically only a trucker knows what kinds of challenges he faces each day. It is not easy to cope with the tough schedule, the meals, and sitting all day and driving but is manageable.

Although they are learning to make it into a habit, which later becomes into a lifestyle they somehow learn to love it in the end. Besides their growing love for their occupation sometimes in trucking life, things get rough.


Being a number one priority for trucking companies and their truck drivers, the first thing that comes to mind when saying truck driver prayers is safety.


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Every single trucker before hitting the road is praying to go everything well on the road. Even though a truck is always checked before the drive one can never know what might happen on the road.

Similarly, the road is unpredictable and according to SAFER, there are thousands of crashes being recorded each year. Therefore, they are addressing a solemn request every single time before hitting the roads.

Further, they need to respect the safety regulations, not because they need to cope with the rules of the Government but for their own sake. By the same token, their families as well as their employers, are a constant reminder for it.

5 Best Truck Driver Prayers You Can Find was last modified: October 30th, 2017 by Jurica Magoci



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