
13 kontinwazzjoni 1 li saret nhar it-Tnejn, 4 ta' Ottubru, 2010 Skeda ta' Pagamenti nr. 25 Skeda ta' Pagamenti nr. 26 - Skeda ta' Pagamenti nr. 27 - Skeda supplimentari. Seduta Ad Hoc li saret nhar it-Tnejn, 13 ta' Settembru, 2010. Seduta Ad Hoc li saret nhar it-Tnejn, 6 ta' Settembru, 2010. Laqgha Nru 41 li saret fis-16 ta' Settembru 2014  u skedi. Laqgha Nru 40 li saret fid-19 t'Awissu 2014 u skedi. Laqgha Nru 39 li saret fis-17 ta' Lulju 2014 u Skedi. Laqgħa Nru 38 li saret fis-17 ta' Ġunju 2014 u Skedi. Laqgħa Nru 37 li saret fl-20 ta' Mejju 2014 u Skedi. N.B.S.P., Inc., Stafford, TX. 62 likes 3 were here. The history of N.B.S.P., Inc is truly an amazing story of dedicated personnel, loyal customers and visionary.

Alternatively called a fixed space or hard space, NBSP (non-breaking space) is used in programming and word processing to create a space in a line that cannot be broken by word wrap. With HTML,   allows you to create multiple spaces that are visible on a web page and not only in the source code.

Creating a fixed space in a word processor and other programs

To create a fixed or hard space in a word processor such as Microsoft Office or LibreOffice, use one of the keyboard shortcuts below.

Microsoft Windows

Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar, or Ctrl+Spacebar.

Or, hold down Alt and press 0160 or 255 on the num pad.

8 Ta Settembru



Microsoft Word






Ctrl+Spacebar (before 3.0) or Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar (after 3.0).


Creating an NBSP in HTML

An example of how a user may insert an NBSP in HTML would be by adding the below extended HTML tag.


With the examples above, using this tag would allow you to create multiple spaces in a row, something that cannot be done by only pressing the Spacebar. To create multiple spaces, add one of the above non-breaking space tags for each time you want an extra space. For example, if you wanted ten extra spaces in front of text you could add ten of these tags.

Settembre Peppino Gagliardi


If you need to indent or add extra spacing to a paragraph, sentence, or another portion of your web page, we suggest using CSS instead of multiple non-breaking spaces. You can also use the <pre> tag.

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Related pages

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  • Full listing of extended special HTML characters.

Settembre Nbsp Meaning

Null character, Programming terms, Spacebar