Math Problem Solvingcalculus Ab&bc

Solve calculus and algebra problems online with Cymath math problem solver with steps to show your work. Get the Cymath math solving app on your smartphone! It is vital that students have mastered the basic high-school math curriculum—algebra, geometry, trigonometry—before attempting a calculus course. Also, this class is considerably more difficult than a typical high-school calculus course, as there will be a greater emphasis on solving hard problems and less emphasis on 'routine' calculations.


The calculus section of QuickMath allows you to differentiate and integrate almost any mathematical expression.

What is calculus?

Calculus is a vast topic, and it forms the basis for much of modern mathematics. The two branches of calculus are differential calculus and integral calculus.

Differential calculus is the study of rates of change of functions. At school, you are introduced to differential calculus by learning how to find the derivative of a function in order to determine the slope of the graph of that function at any point.

Integral calculus is often introduced in school in terms of finding primitive functions (indefinite integrals) and finding the area under a curve (definite integrals).


The differentiate command allows you to find the derivative of an expression with respect to any variable. In the advanced section, you also have the option of specifying arbitrary functional dependencies within your expression and finding higher order derivatives. The differentiate command knows all the rules of differential calculus, including the product rule, the quotient rule and the chain rule.



The integrate command can be used to find either indefinite or definite integrals. If an indefinite integral (primitive function) is sought but cannot be found for a particular function, QuickMath will let you know. Definite integrals will always be given in their exact form when possible, but failing this QuickMath will use a numerical method to give you an approximate value.

Integrals were evaluated in the previous tutorial by identifying the integral with an appropriate area and then using methods from geometry to find the area. This procedure will succeed only for very simple integrals. The main result of this section, the fundamental theorem of calculus, includes a very important formula for evaluating integrals. This theorem shows us how to evaluate integrals by first evaluating antiderivatives. The theorem establishes an amazing relationship between the integral, which may be interpreted as an area, and the antiderivative, which is inversely related to the derivative; that is, it relates area and the derivative.

Theorem 1

Let f be a continuous function on [a, b ], and define a function F by


This result could also be written as

that is, the derivative of the integral of/ with respect to the upper limit of integration x is equal to f evaluated at x. We shall verify a special case of this theorem at the end of this section. Example I illustrates Theorem l.
Example 1

Calculus Problem

The following theorem is called the fundamental theorem and is a consequence of Theorem 1 .
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Let f be continuous on [a. b ], and suppose G is any antiderivative of f on [a, b], that is. G'(x) = f(x) for x in [a. b]. Then,
To verify the fundamental theorem, let F be given by , as in Formula (1). Then by Theorem 1, F is an antiderivative of f. Since G is also an antiderivative of f, we know that there is a constant c for which F(x} = G(x) + c.
Since F(a) = J;' f(x) dx = 0, it follows that

0 = F (a) = G (a) + c

and hence c = -G(a). Thus, F(x) = G(x) + c = G(x) - G(a), from which we see that
For convenience, we introduce the following notation:

With this notation, Formula (4) can be written as
The following equivalent formula demonstrates the convenience of using a symbol for the integral that resembles the one for the antiderivative.

This formula is a consequence of the fact that integral of f(x) dx is the most general anti derivative of f.

It is true that a lot of students hate math, algebra, and similar disciplines. Does this hate make homework go away? Of course, no, and young people spend hours in the evening trying to find the correct solution and interpretation of the problem.

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“How Do I Pay Someone to Do My Calculus Homework?”

Calculus is a broad branch of math. It involves so many topics that it is easy to get lost. Once you are ready to buy a custom solution to your task, open the order form and make sure to provide all the details about your assignment. It is critical if you need a paper of the premium quality. Make sure to specify the topic of your interest:

  • Integration
  • Differentiation
  • Extreme value theorem
  • Continuous Function
  • Critical Point
  • Limit theorem
  • Newton’s Method
  • Mean-value theorem
  • Implicit differentiation
  • Intermediate Value theorem

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Calculus Math Problem Examples

“Do My Calculus Homework for Me:” Anytime, Anywhere Assistance

Math Problem Solving Calculus Ab&bc

Our website is a perfect opportunity for you to leave all your troubles with the homework of any type behind! To find the most accurate solutions to calc problems, our team uses various approaches and all types of calculators: anti-derivative, derivative, integral, limit, and summation. You do not need to break your head against the wall, trying to guess which of the instruments you need to use to solve another assignment.

We are active online at any time of day or night to provide top-quality calculus hw help. Our calc tutors will make you understand this subject once and forever. Do not miss this opportunity – move to the order process!