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This is a free downloadable Power Point presentation
of the Celestial Navigation course, in eight sessions of three hours,
will help instructors teach the subject.
It closely follows the Celestial Navigation book.

Introduction to Marine Electricity: US Army Field Manual FM 55-509-1 Rigging Techniques, Procedures, and Applications: US Army Field Manual FM 5-125 Verne, Jules 1828-1905 Whelan, Tim Adventures in the Charlottes, 1998, 1999: Account of a voyage from Seattle to the Queen Charlotte Islands in northwestern British Columbia. Are available for free in other accessible formats for download and offline study, including Word, PDF and ePub. These ebooks are also published for free to Amazon (for Kindle users), Google Play and iTunes. In addition, learners who successfully complete a Badged Open Course receive a free OU branded (non-accredited) digital badge to share.

The slide presentation was specifically designed to allow Celestial Navigation instructors to conduct their classes following a ready-made plan, with graphics, examples and exercises to do in class.

The presentation is the result of close to 15 years of continuous teaching the subject, two or three times per year. It is very practical, based on a long experience, and has been continuously adjusted over the years to reflect the time actually spent on each topic and the reactions from students. It is well proven, and it works!

It closely follows the manual, and reproduces most of its graphics, referring to each one by figure number. It offers numerous examples, followed by short exercises to be done in class. These exercises are reproduced in the free downloadable exercise manual, which contain the questions, the work-forms guiding the calculations, and the answers.

Celestial Navigation PowerPoint Presentations (for Instructors)
- Contains PowerPoint (PPTX) files for seven, three-hour class sessions following the Celestial Navigation course book. For instructors.

Click on presentation to download. No password required; Select 'Read Only' when prompted

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(30.1MB PPTX) Downloads: 976
(78.9MB PPTX) Downloads: 671
(65.7MB PPTX) Downloads: 598
(198.9MB PPTX) Downloads: 601
(278.9MB PPTX) Downloads: 600
(39.5MB PPTX) Downloads: 570
(95MB PPTX) Downloads: 615
(35.6MB PPTX) Downloads: 571
(236.7MB PPTX) Downloads: 563

Free Ebooks For Computer

This is a free downloadable Power Point presentation
of the Coastal Navigation course, in six sessions of three hours,
will help instructors teach the subject.
A seventh session of answers to home exercises is also included.

The PowerPoint presentation associated with the course book Coastal Navigation reproduces most of the images in the book, showing them in sequences designed for six classes of three hours. The use of the course book, and of its associated free PPT presentation, will greatly facilitate the job of any Coastal Navigation Instructor.

Each session of the PPT presentation offers many exercises, and provides their answers. These exercises, and their answers, are contained in the companion book Coastal Navigation Exercises, together with the required tables.

Coastal Navigation PowerPoint Presentations (for Instructors)
- Contains PowerPoint (PPTX) files for six, three-hour class sessions following the Coastal Navigation course book. For instructors.

Click on presentation to download. No password required; Select 'Read Only' when prompted

(61.7MB PPTX) Downloads: 512
(37.8MB PPTX) Downloads: 405
(49.3MB PPT) Downloads: 387
(80.5MB PPT) Downloads: 366
(51MB PPTX) Downloads: 366
(6.5MB PPTX) Downloads: 364
(39.7MB PPTX) Downloads: 353
(29.9MB PPTX) Downloads: 360

Marine Ebooks For Free Home Repairs


This free downloadable version
of the Celestial Navigation Exercise manual is designed
to allow instructors to offer exercises to do in class
(and at home in a couple of important cases), as prompted
by the relevant slides along the Power Point presentation.
The required Almanac and Sight Reduction Tables
are in the Appendix of the course book, Celestial Navigation.

The downloadable exercises for class practice are complementary to, but different from, those offered in the Celestial Navigation book.

These free downloadable exercises will allow the instructors following the Power Point presentation of the course to offer the exercises presented at regular intervals along the presentation. They include the questions, the work-sheets guiding the calculations, and the answers.

The data tables required to solve the downloadable exercises are not included here, in order to lighten the download process. They are the same data tables as those contained in the Appendix of the Celestial Navigation book.

A self-contained Celestial Navigation Exercises manual can be purchased in print or PDF format. It includes the questions, the work-forms, the answers, as well as the Almanac and Sight Reduction Tables required for the calculations.

Celestial Navigation Exercise Book (Free Version)
- Contains the class exercises presented throughout the PowerPoint presentation, with answers. Requires the 'Almanac' and 'Sight Reduction Tables' in the Appendix of the Celestial Navigation course book.
(38MB PPTX) Downloads: 447

Marine Ebooks For Free Home Page


Work forms are available for download and
unrestricted use. They can be very helpful in guiding
navigators through the detailed calculations using
the Nautical Almanac and the Sight Reduction Tables.

Marine Ebooks For Free Homes

Student Work Forms
- Contains the work forms used for calculations in the course and exercise books.

Kindle E-books For Free

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