Linksdesign Water Supply System

Introduction to general design of domestic service water supply systems - with pressurized or gravity tanks

  1. Links Design Water Supply Systems
  2. Links Design Water Supply System Definition
  3. Links Design Water Supply System In House
  4. Links Design Water Supply System Map

The purpose with a domestic service water supply system is to provide consumers with enough hot and cold water.

In old buildings it is common with gravity storage tanks on the top floor of the building. More commonly used in new systems are pressurized tanks and supply pumps.

  1. . A direct cross connection is a physical connection between a supervised, potable water supply and an unsupervised supply of unknown quality. An example of a direct cross connection is a piping system connecting a raw water supply, used for industrial fire fighting, to a municipal water system.
  2. This is the 3rd out of 4 pumping stations to be constructed, developed and commissioned under the 2019 BWD Priority Project on Water Supply System Improvement and Expansion. The source of for this project is a LWUA 3rd Window Loan in the amount of 56 Million Pesos.

Water supply system, infrastructure for the collection, transmission, treatment, storage, and distribution of water for homes, commercial establishments, industry, and irrigation, as well as for such public needs as firefighting and street flushing. Of all municipal services, provision of potable water is perhaps the most vital. People depend on water. Illustrates a progressive view of the water system. Two holding reservoirs supply water to a treatment plant that processes the water to remove impurities and adds chemicals to bring the water into compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations on clean water for drinking and commercial cooking. Wang, in Handbook of Seismic Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Infrastructure Systems, 2013. 24.1 Introduction. A water supply system delivers water from sources to customers, and provides services vital to the function of an industrialized society and important to emergency response and recovery after disastrous events (e.g., earthquakes).

Domestic Water Supply with Gravity Tank

Domestic water supply system with gravity tank:

For proper operation of the system the gravity tank is located at least 30 ft or 10 m above the highest outlet or consumer. In taller buildings pressure reducing valves are required in the lowest floors before the fittings.


The volume of a gravity tank must be designed to compensate for limited capacity of a supply line. The tank fills up when the consumption of hot and cold water is lower than the capacity of the supply line - and the tank is emptied when the consumption is higher than the capacity of the supply line.

A drawback with the open gravity tank on the top floor is the potential danger of freezing during winter conditions. Huge tanks will also influence on the construction of the building.

Linksdesign Water Supply System

Domestic Water Supply with a Pressurized Tank

Domestic water supply system with pressurized tank:

The pressurized tank is partly filled with air (or gas) behind a membrane. The air compensates for pressure variations during consumption and when supply pump starts and stops.

A pressurized tank has a limited compensating capacity for the shortage in a main supply line.

Estimating Required Buffer Tank Capacity

You are free to use the template bellow as a tool to estimate required buffer capacity in a water supply system. Log in to your Google Account to make your own copy to modify of the template. Alternatively - you can also save the Google Spreadsheet to your computer as a xls file.

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  • en: service water supply domestic gravity pressure tank