Ikariam Scripts

We use cookies on our website to optimise your user experience. Essential cookies are necessary for the site to function; other cookies are used for marketing and analytic purposes. 'Ikariam Enhanced UI' is a Greasemonkey script which brings some enhancements for the user interface of Ikariam. It is possible to run the script in both versions (mobile & desktop), but not all funtions can be used in both versions. The scripts functions are organized in modules so you are able to enable or disable a single funtion of the script. Dance Party - userscripts.org. 1 Introduction 2 Game rules Scripting is the ability to enhance the user experience, and Gameforge have a section in their Terms and Conditions relating to it. This article describes some of the scripts and extension that allows you to customize the way web-pages look and functions: GreaseMonkey, which is a Firefox extension, found at userscripts-mirror.org. TamperMonkey, which is a Chrome. In most cases, clicking a link to directly download a Greasemonkey script (files with a.user.js extension) will prompt to install the script into Greasemonkey with the following dialog: Once the Install count down has expired, during which time you should further review the pages in which the script is run, click the Install button and the.

So, I saw in my blogs’ stats that someone came by, by searching for “how to install ikariam sexy theme”. Once more this saws how people, even if they don’t express in words, are easily read. Google owns us all. But what if we own google? I advise you to find out how to use smart keywords in order to find really useful things like top secret documents of governments, or databases with user names and passwords, or even online webcams with no security.

Anyway, back to our subject. First of all you have to use Firefox to install a script that will make your life easier. Then you shall add the greasemonkey add-on (by the way, as a good (wo)man that you are, think of a donation). Now to the most interesting part, by searching in google for “greasemonkey scripts” you will find what you want, but that would compromise you! So here is the direct link. You can thank me in comments by the way. Note here that some of these scripts are considered illegal.


Now, as for the useful ikariam scripts here are some. Ikariam Reloaded removes the silly ads, and replaces them with some useful stats like your selected city generals. But be careful with that! You can be found because you use too much bandwidth of their servers. Ikariam Empire Board, adds a table in the bottom of the page with information about all of your colonies. By using that you are not able to be found since it only reveals information once you’ve opened the exact page that it wants. Ika-core-SearchTools, adds an information bar on your left, with search capabilities, but you should be aware that you are easily spotted by using the search tool to find a players’ cities. However Ika-core-SerchTools are useful for their feature to inform you about you total army in your cities page, without going to your barracks, and also adds information on your city, about which buildings are available for your resources to upgrade.

And finally our most interesting part, the Sexy Theme. You can use it freely and no one will find that. I guess the wankers are using it already. Happy gaming fellow humanoids. God be with you!

Ikariam Scripts Tampermonkey

Update: The problem for finding a players’ cities is solved with that tool.


Update 2: Seems that for some reason that page is down. But we were winning and without it, so…

Ikariam Scripts Wiki

Update 3: Here is the list of the legal scripts.

Ikariam Scripts Greasemonkey


Ikariam Scripts 2019

Update 4: The tool for finding players cities is down for sure.

Ikariam Scripts 2020

Update 5: Seems the the script is valid in Chrome, too!! Wooooooooooooooo.