Css9website Of  carmelito Lauron

Answer: When browsing the web, you may occasionally run into pages with   somewhere in the text. You may even see multiple &nbsp's grouped together. This looks pretty odd, but there is a good explanation for it.

How CSS works

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NBSP stands for 'No-Break SPace.' It is similar to a standard space character, but it prevents line breaks, or newlines from being processed between words or other elements. Typically, a string of text will wrap at the last space before the end of a line. A no-break space is treated as a standard character, so the text will not wrap wherever one is inserted.

No-break (or 'non-breaking') spaces are also used to display multiple consecutive spaces on a webpage. In HTML, the language used to create webpages, a single space is processed the same as two, ten, or one hundred consecutive spaces. So if you want to put more than one space between words or other elements on a webpage, you need to use a no-break space.

HTML Example

The HTML code for a no-break space is   (HTML codes for special characters begin with an ampersand and end with a semicolon) . So to make 'this phrase' turn into 'this phrase,' no-break spaces must be inserted between 'this' and 'phrase' in the HTML, as in the example below:


Sometimes, a webpage or HTML email may have syntax errors that cause 'nbsp' to appear. This may happen if the trailing semicolon is not added (&nbsp instead of &nbsp;). Some websites, such as discussion boards, may not support certain HTML codes, including no-break spaces. In these cases, you may see the &nbsp; HTML code instead of white space.

Entered: August 18, 2005 — Updated: July 25, 2020 – by Per Christensson

Category: Web

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This is where you introduce everyone to your organization's mission and goals. Explain who you are and what you would like people to do.

Getting Started With CSS

To replace this content, click the icon, and then 'Edit this page.' Or, from your control panel, navigate to Website > Your Site > About > Content. To replace the image above, head to About > Settings > Featured content sliders.

Learn more about how to create and edit pages, personalize NationBuilder public themes, and include page excerpts on your homepage (like the 'Contact' widget below).

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